Studio di psicoterapia a Milano

Cantù F, Biagianti B, Lisi I, R Zanier E, Bottino N, Fornoni C, Gallo F, Ginex V, Tombola V, Zito S, Colombo E, Stocchetti N, Brambilla P. Psychotherapeutic and Psychiatric Intervention in Patients With COVID-19 and Their Relatives: Protocol for the DigiCOVID Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2022 Nov 16;11(11):e39080.
Ginex V, Viganò M., Gilardone G., Monti A., Gilardone M., Corbo M. Predicting home discharge after inpatient rehabilitation of stroke patients with aphasia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Pub Date: 2022-01-04.
Biagianti B, Zito S, Fornoni C, Ginex V, Bellani M, Bressi C, Brambilla P. Developing a Brief Tele-Psychotherapy Model for COVID-19 Patients and Their Family Members. Front Psychol. 2021 Dec 2;12:784685.
Graffigna G, Gheduzzi E, Morelli N, Barello S, Corbo M, Ginex V, Ferrari R, Lascioli A, Feriti C, Masella C. Place4Carers: a multi-method participatory study to co-design, piloting, and transferring a novel psycho-social service for engaging family caregivers in remote rural settings. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021 Jun 21;21(1):591.
Graffigna G, Barello S, Morelli N, Gheduzzi E, Corbo M, Ginex V, Ferrari R, Lascioli A, Feriti C, Masella C. Place4Carers: a mixed-method study protocol for engaging family caregivers in meaningful actions for successful ageing in place. BMJ Open. 2020 Aug 11;10(8):e037570.
Ginex V, Gilardone G, Viganò M, Monti A, Judica E, Passaro I, Gilardone M, Vanacore N, Corbo M. Interaction Between Recovery of Motor and Language Abilities After Stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2020 Aug;101(8):1367-1376.